Mindfulness: Helping improve focus and lower stress.

Our latest lifestyle guest post is from Suzanne Kent.  Suzanne is a mindfulness, mindset, meditation and spiritual teacher and coach. Her business ‘Sessions for the Soul’, helps guide you through mindfulness techniques that will lead you ultimately to a happier way of living.

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Suzanne Kent

Hello I’m Suzanne, I am a mindfulness, mindset, meditation and spiritual teacher and coach.

My journey into awareness, meditation and mindfulness and general ‘happier way of being’ started around 20 years ago. A physical illness ground me to a halt and forced me to ‘wake up’ to myself. Through an organic journey, I came to find mindfulness, meditation and a connection to who I really was. This helped me to heal my pains and fears and open myself up to my true self and true healing. And since then, this has been my passion and my light. I have been teaching these practices for over 7 years to hundreds of amazing people and organisations. I love helping people unlock their own power and purpose – enabling their own healing, personal growth and fulfilment!

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is all about bringing ourselves into ‘this moment’ and experiencing it as it is. The benefits of mindfulness and a more mindful way of being are endless. It can reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression and increase feelings of positivity, self-worth and resilience – but there are so many more!

What are the Benefits of Being Mindful?

When we are feeling more mindful and calm -those around us can sense this and experience calmer and more resilient feelings too. Just because they are around us! This is because they will pick up on our energy and our calmer state of being. So, mindfulness can have a ripple effect in our homes and the communities and groups in which we live.

Don’t have a lot of time? It easy to practice mindfulness.

The biggest barrier to mindfulness for people is the idea that it will be hard to do and require lots of work and time. This is not true! And in this blog, I am going to share with you some effortless tips to bring calm, peace and clarity into your day. These are easy and hopefully enjoyable too! 

Suzanne’s Step-by-Step introduction to Mindfulness

The advice I give to many of my students and clients is to begin with mini pauses in your day. This will start to ‘clear the clutter’ of the mind.

  1. The easiest way to introduce these mini pauses is to take one breath in and out whenever you do something routine in your day. So, whenever you make a cup of coffee or go to the toilet – you take a breath. Whenever you open the door to leave the house you take a breath. And so on… These small breaths and mini mindful moments, practised frequently and effortlessly, will start clearing the mind and its busy thoughts. This will begin opening your eyes to this moment, where there is calm, clarity and so much more than you could possibly imagine.
  2. A lovely mindful technique is to say ‘This will pass’ in your head. For example, you pop the kettle on and say this lovely mantra a few times in your head, which will slow down your other thoughts and bring you into this moment. It will also help you to realise that all moments pass – the good, the bad and the downright ugly!
  3. Last idea for an easy and short practice is to notice, where you are: 5 things you can see; 4 things you can hear; 3 things you can feel; 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. This simple tip will bring you away from distracting thoughts and concerns and into the moment – where there is lots more to experience. This can draw you into calmer space and help you regain peace of mind.

These tiny actions, in your day, can bring some much-needed calm, clarity and resilience into your life. And these changes will ripple and allow other positive changes to unfold, and this can impact on all those around you in your life.

If you feel calm – others are more able to feel relaxed too!

So, take a breath…

Let me know how you get on 😊


Picture of Suzanne Kent

Suzanne Kent

Suzanne is a mindfulness, mindset, meditation and spiritual teacher and coach. Her business 'Sessions for the Soul', help guide you through mindfulness techniques that will lead you ultimately to a happier way of living.

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